Every season we share a journey into God’s word by meditating on and singing together passages with a common theme. This year our theme will be “Holy”
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I am the Lord Your God
Has God ever given you a glimpse into heaven? If so, what did you see or feel? Revelation chapter 4 describes the apostle John's experience of being transported to heaven in a vision and witnessing God's radiant glory.
Is my heart pure?
Has God ever given you a glimpse into heaven? If so, what did you see or feel? Revelation chapter 4 describes the apostle John's experience of being transported to heaven in a vision and witnessing God's radiant glory.
Holy Holy Holy
Revelation chapter 4 describes the apostle John's experience of being transported to heaven in a vision and witnessing God's radiant glory.
“I saw the Lord…”
Amid trouble, accurate perspective is vital. In this passage we see how Isaiah was offered true perspective to worship and live from.
Exalted over all the nations.
During times of uncertainty and even foreign dominance, these psalms were bold reminders to the people of God that the Lord is still on the throne, He is ruler over all nations, He is in control.
Who is like you?
We begin our new series by inquiring of the Lord. We start with a question, not an answer… What is He like? To whom can we compare Him? How can we even begin to describe Him?
“Thy Kingdom Come”
How kind and considerate of the Lord to teach us how to pray with a short, simple prayer of incredible depth and new revelation every time we meditate on it.
“Even as We are one”
Whatever is included in this prayer must be of the highest importance to His mission and of the closest proximity to His heart.
“Continue Earnestly”
As both wholehearted Jesus-lover and longsuffering gospel-labourer, who better than Paul to instruct us on how to pray, and what to pray for in mission?
“Therefore, Pray”
When we look for answers in the world, we never find something truly and eternally satisfying. It will always feel like a losing battle. But what is the response of Jesus to a lost people looking for hope and meaning?
“Like Living Stones”
Like the scattered Christians Peter originally wrote to, we are ‘living stones’ – not uniform ‘bricks’ with the same background, experiences, traditions and heritage; but individuals
“His Name will be great”
Malachi 1:11 is one of those verses that we love to quote in the prayer and missions worlds. It’s not a goal or an aspiration, it is a statement , His name will be great among the nations.
A House of Prayer for all nations
In Isaiah 56, the verses for this month’s worship with the word series paints a beautiful picture of what happens when people choose to respond to God’s loving invitation to enter into relationship with Him.
His Glorious Name
As we draw near to Christmas, we are considering the convergence of worship, prayer and missions in the very person of Jesus Himself. This messianic psalm is a prayer for the coronation of the coming King…
Restored and Rebuilt
James used this opportunity to emphasise to the leaders of the early church that God’s grace extends to all people, Jews and Gentiles alike, which is as true for us today as it was then.
“May all the peoples praise You!”
While the poetic beauty and musicality of the Psalms accounts for their popularity and appeal, it is their enduring relevance and relatedness for all people and generations that is most remarkable.
Sing to the Lord all the Earth
Having brought up the Ark to Jerusalem, David pitched a tent for it and set singers and musicians to minister to God there, night & day. That is what we have happening here in 1 Chronicles 16:
Bridegroom, King & Judge
Jesus is making clear to His disciples, and to us, that at God’s appointed time He will return to swiftly bring judgement on wickedness and set up His Kingdom on earth.
Will He find faith?
Jesus is making clear to His disciples, and to us, that at God’s appointed time He will return to swiftly bring judgement on wickedness and set up His Kingdom on earth.
As we’ve never seen Him before (Rev 19:11-16)
This time He is coming in all His righteousness and power to judge and wage war against His enemies and the kingdom of darkness so that He may take hold of His inheritance.