His Glorious Name
As we draw near to Christmas, we are considering the convergence of worship, prayer and missions in the very person of Jesus Himself. This messianic psalm is a prayer for the coronation of the coming King…
By Sara Hailwood
““His name shall endure forever; His name shall continue as long as the sun. And men shall be blessed in Him; all nations shall call Him blessed. Blessed be the Lord God, the God of Israel, who only does wondrous things! And blessed be His glorious name forever! And let the whole earth be filled with His glory. Amen and Amen.”
A number of years ago there was a popular CD reciting 365 Names of God. It was stirring and impacting because it covered every mood and every situation for every listener every time.
All Nations
“….People from all nations find in him a blessing.” Nations at war, nations in peace, nations in famine, nations weakened by obesity, nations in poverty, nations divided by oppulence and greed, every person wracked with fear.
“….God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name.” Jesus Christ the name above all names is positioned at His Father's side interceding for every personal, community or national concern the enemy tries to name and we can trust that the Father's heart is stirred and responsive to release blessing to those who call on Him.
In His Name
He is Saviour, Anointed One, Father, Healer, Deliverer, Friend. As we pray for ourselves and others we receive from Him the living embodiment of who He is and this becomes the answer to our prayer, the blessing of His very Presence, moving to us and through us to others.
And this praying becomes our worship... the sacraficial stepping forward onto the altar as the offering through which He will accomplish His purpose. As we fix our gaze in worship and intercession on the Lord He delights to transform us into a measure of reflecting Him. We increasingly can become the Father's missionary. Jesus was and continues to be God's Mission.
As we pursue the understanding of the depth of the integration in the Father's heart between prayer, worship and mission we will increasingly gain wisdom and revelation concerning the centrality of the person of Jesus Christ and how the Father desires to display His glory through every one of His followers and consequently draw all men and nations unto Himself. We yield to the infilling of His Glory. We become the Mission and through us He will release the miracles and wonders which display the power of His Name. Then... “the whole earth will be filled with his eternal glory”