“Therefore, Pray”
It doesn’t take much looking around to realise the world is looking for some guidance, some direction. People are in search of meaning, in search of something or someone to lead them, a place to belong and a reason to exist. From the cultural narrative in art and media it seems that complete unbelief is on the decline as people are recognising there must be something out there. It’s not uncommon to hear of people asking “the universe” for something they’re looking for in life. A thought that recognises a greater force or power that we’re somehow connected to, but while remaining detached from the idea that the force is a real person or a God that loves them and cares for them.
When we look for answers in the world, we never find something truly and eternally satisfying. It will always feel like a losing battle. But what is the response of Jesus to a lost people looking for hope and meaning?
“ When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.””
The Lord’s Response
The first response of Jesus: compassion. The Lord isn’t looking from heaven thinking “why won’t they just get it together?”. In His kindness, His heart is moved with compassion for them. He longs for them to know Him, to know the truth that sets people free. (John 8:32).
He also recognises the warfare that is happening, even though they are unaware of it. “They were harassed”. Other versions say: confused, distressed, faint… Whether they know it or not, many in the world today are living believing the lies of the accuser - that life has no meaning or purpose, that they are not created or designed or loved and must strive to be loved and recognised in this short life before it’s all over.
And they are helpless in this situation. They don’t know any better. Jesus is not angry at those who don’t believe in Him, but pities them and recognises their helpless situation. How deeply He longs for them to come to know Him, to welcome them into His Kingdom.
Sheep without a Shepherd
We see this longing in the phrase Jesus uses to describe the people. “Like sheep without a shepherd.” This calls to mind the references throughout scripture to the Lord being the Shepherd and the cry of David in the well-known opening of Psalm 23: The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
What a peace there is in knowing that the Lord is our Shepherd. What a comfort to know that we already have everything we need. The constant searching and striving is over. In Christ, we lack nothing. We relinquish control and declare full dependence on the Lord, our shepherd. It is not the role of the sheep to provide what it needs. It’s not the sheep’s responsibility. Even when the sheep doesn’t see the food it needs or the pasture it needs, there is a peace in trusting that the shepherd has everything in hand. The shepherd is able to provide, and will provide. And from that place, the sheep can rest. We let Him lead us to the quiet waters and green pastures.
The Lord’s action
Interestingly in this passage, we don’t see Jesus immediately feeling compassion and choosing to yell out “Hey everyone! I’m the Messiah! It’s really me!”, or pulling off some mega-stunt miracle that would blow everyone’s minds in an instant. But instead, full of compassion, with a heart moved by the helplessness of the people, he turns to us, his disciples.
Not even to charge us to get out there and start spreading the word, but he says “therefore, pray…”. As much as I sometimes want the Lord to just fix everything in a moment and make everything as it should be. The great mystery is that he longs to work with us, in partnership. He wants to make things right, but he wants to do it in partnership with his people. Because at his heart he longs for fellowship and communion with us in the process. He doesn’t want an audience that marvels at his ability to fix every situation but a bride to co-labour with. A people to grow closer to him and know him more and more as we partner together in this restoration project.
In the place of prayer, we learn that we need Him. We recognise our need for His spirit and His power to work through us if we are to make any change to the people out there who do not yet know Him. We receive His heart of compassion and grow more like Him in the conversation. And we begin to look more like the one we are preaching about.
From the place of prayer we ask the Lord of the harvest “send out the labourers into your harvest”. Even the harvest belongs to Him. And we want to be those who are sent in the same manner that Jesus himself would go: full of humility, moved with compassion and fuelled by the power of the Spirit. With a mind looking to eternity. And knowing that life is so much more than what we see. That we have a citizenship in heaven, that we do not belong to this world, but we are sent into it. We belong to Him.
Lord, we ask you to give us your heart of compassion for a world that wanders like sheep without a shepherd. For a world of people confused, helpless and looking for answers. We look to you and trust you, our good shepherd, to lead us and to send us into your harvest. With hearts set on eternity, moved like you are moved, and in the power of your Spirit. Let many come to know you, and may we ourselves draw closer in the process.