Every season we share a journey into God’s word by meditating on and singing together passages with a common theme. This year our theme will be “Holy”
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Justice for the Oppressed (Psalm 146)
We have great hope as we intercede for all kinds of injustices in our city, nation and the nations because he will come as judge to set the prisoners free and open the eyes of the blind. Jesus our judge brings justice to the poor, the marginalised and the hurting.
Behold the Blessed One (1 Timothy 6)
But Paul doesn’t just lay the yoke on Timothy and leave him to work it out, he gives him the how! Paul focuses Timothy in on the nature of Jesus.
The King, My Son (Psalm 2)
In this psalm Jesus is spoken of as a son as well as the king. While we know that He is God’s son, the term also reminds us that He is a son like us.
King of Kings (Philippians 2)
Jesus genuinely chose to give up His divine privileges and equality with God with no route to retreat back to the safety and glory of heaven when things got tough.
The Beauty of our king (Psalm 45)
Psalm 45 is a great passage to help us follow on from focusing on Jesus as a Bridegroom. If we read the whole Psalm we will see that it speaks of Jesus as both a King and a Bridegroom.
The wedding feast of the Lamb (Revelation 19)
From on high there comes ‘the voice of a great multitude’, like a roar of many waters, a sound like thunder. Heaven is bursting open, erupting with praise and joy, heralding the coming bridegroom!
Fiery Love (Song of songs 8)
Poetic literature has many layers, and the relationship between ‘the Shulamite’ and her ‘beloved’ has often been seen as a depiction of the relationship between Christ and the Church.
As the Bridegroom rejoices... (Isaiah 62)
In these verses, there are two ways that God is like a bridegroom, in the way He delights in His people and in the way he rejoices over His people.
Amen! (Revelation 5)
As we draw this series to a close, I’ve been challenged to see afresh the significance of our participation in singing this new song… To see with new eyes and fresh wonder the privilege of how we are invited to respond.
Worth our worship (Revelation 5)
Worship is our response to the Lord. When we see Him and we begin to get a glimpse of who He is, our hearts respond in worship, in declarations of who He is and the way He has revealed himself to us.
The New Song (Revelation 5)
The Lamb has just taken the scroll from the One who is seated on the throne. His worth and qualification to open the scroll and break its seals has been recognised by all but something even more astounding happens!
Who is worthy? (Revelation 5)
There is a question that should burn in our hearts: Who is worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals?
Let all creation rejoice (Psalm 96)
We see in the story of creation, in Genesis, that when God speaks it happens. God said ‘let there be light’ and there was light. It is the same when He says: “Let the heavens be glad and let the earth rejoice!”
The Centre of Attention (Psalm 96)
Let’s resist the urge to make ourselves the centre of attention and choose instead to point others toward His grace, mercy, goodness and power. Let’s choose to worship.
After God's own heart (Psalm 96)
As I think upon this beautiful Psalm and David’s life, I can’t shake that praise can only come at a revelation of God's nature.
Sing a New Song (Isaiah 42)
There is a prophetic invitation for us to sing a new song to the Lord. That is something we try to pursue in the house of prayer.
Thus says God (Isaiah 42)
God didn’t need to address His Son through the prophet Isaiah. He chooses to give us this glimpse into his eternal relationship with the Son for our benefit.
Behold my Servant (Isaiah 42)
The golden crown of Isaiah’s prophesies are the awesome insights into the coming Messiah, Jesus.
What is the value of corporate night & day worship and prayer?
God is looking for those who pray and don't lose heart. Even in a house of prayer it’s so easy to be focused on the outworking instead of the heart, we can think schedule instead of intimacy.
Keeping prayer central to everything
Actually, keeping Jesus at the centre! Whether our primary work is intercession or hands-on ministry we can't lose our focus on Jesus.